Hight yellow Climbing ปีนผาเป่าลม ขนาด 6 m

Size 6*6 m H 7.5 m ขนาด กว้าง6 ยาว 6 สูง 7.5 ม.

Power  6 amp ใช้ไฟฟ้า  6 แอมป์

4 Players/ time : เล่นได้ครั้งละ 4 คน 

An inflatable rock climbing wall with a height of 7.5 m. If your kids want to test the strength of the body. Join the adventure with our climbing rock. . Has the climbing rope stairs or simulated stones. Both easy and hard to different. They are also used to play a competitive game as well. Because up to 4 players simultaneously side.

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